A disturbing look into the sketchbooks and random drawings of Scott Quick, "Mid-Missouri's James Joyce". All drawings copyright me, Scott Quick, "Mid-Missouri's James Joyce", etc.
More figure drawing from '96. Even with the false start on the arm, I was pleased with the composition of this one. As you can see it's testing the limits of my new scanner.
Another figure drawing from 1996 or there-abouts. I was drawing directly in ink using an old steel pen nib that I'd uncovered in an old trunk I'd inherited from my grandmother. The nibs were pretty inflexible, so a varied line was few and far between. Drawing directly in ink taught me to (try to) commit to a line, an exercise I highly recommend.
Feeling guilty about my poor post rate lately, I dug through the archives for something new. Here's a figure drawing from 1996, Diana Blackwell, model. I was sitting in on Frank Stack's figure drawing class twice a week at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Diana was one of the best models I've ever drawn. She was imaginative, engaged, and seemed to treat modeling as a performance.
Yes, I'm the same Scott Quick who rocked the art community of Central Missouri State University during the mid-80's. The same Scott Quick who later made his instructors at the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art (Dover, NJ) weep with joy. Disatisfied with the glitz and glammour of Video Game Animation, I've returned to Missouri to await the sweet release of Death. In my spare time, I enjoy watching TV with my wife and son.